Saturday, November 03, 2007

The Better People Leader

I hope you will forgive me a little self promotion. The project on which I spent the better part of last year is now at a book store near you! (The project on which I spent the better part of *this* year is sitting on my lap, drooling...) I worked with business consultant Chuck Coonradt and publisher Gibbs Smith to create a new business book about leadership. I was the ghost writer -- meaning Chuck had the brilliant ideas and I had the brilliant articulation of those ideas. The result is "The Better People Leader," an excellent (if I do say so myself) little book about how to do better for your people. It is also a companion volume to another of Chuck's books, "The Game of Work."

I would be honored if you found an opportunity to get ten copies for your personal library. =) I would be also honored if those of you associated with blogs or publications found an opportunity to mention the book and extol its virtues.

But most of all, I would be honored if you found the book helpful in your own roles as leaders of people.

Thanks for indulging me this self promo! (It is my blog and my book; I guess I'm allowed to mention it.... =)

Online at Amazon and Barnes & Noble:

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